Wednesday 15 April 2015

Bueno Gourmet

Päris mehhiko toit! Siin Tallinnas?! Ja veel päris "food truck"? Kuidas see võimalik on, meil on ju siin tobedad seadused, mis toidubussi pidamise peaaegu võimatuks teevad?!
Vot, aga vaatamata sellele üks kangelaslik härra ikkagi eelmine aasta avas toidubussi ja siiani toimetab edukalt.
Jorge (kes on juhuslikult ka üks sõbralikumaid isikuid keda me kunagi kohanud oleme) on tegelikult Tšiilist, aga ta elas umbes 20 aastat San Diegos, USAs. Ja nagu te tõenäoliselt teate, on San Diego otse Mehhiko piiri ääres.
Hetkel on Bueno Gourmet menüül neli asja: Bueno Hamburger (Jorge variant klassikalisest hamburgerist), Churrasco (veiseliha võiku, äärmiselt populaarne Tšiilis), Fajitas de Pollo (klassikalised mehhiko kanafajitad) ja Lomito (põhimõtteliselt sealiha-avokaado-tomati burks). Ja kõik on äärmiselt maitsvad!
Üks suur pluss toidubussi puhul on muidugi see, et neil pole kaelas kallist üüri, mis peegeldub ka hindades: kõige kallim asi Bueno Gourmet menüül on 4.80 maksev Churrasco, kõik ülejäänud toidud on 3.80. Suurepärane!

Äramainismist väärib ka bussi kõrval seisev, toidusaaliks ümberehitatud merekonteiner, nii et ka kehva ilmaga saab seal suhteliselt mugavalt fajitasid nautida.


Real Mexican food alert! Right here in Tallinn! A real food truck as well? How is that possible, with the ridiculous anti-streetfood laws that make operating a food truck in Tallinn nigh-on impossible?
Well, despite of all that, one heroic man opened a food truck last year and is still going strong.
Jorge (who also happens to be one of the friendliest guys we have ever met) is actually from Chile, but he lived in San Diego, USA for 20 years. And as you all probably know, San Diego is right at the Mexican border, so the Mexican connection is real enough!
At the moment the menu of Bueno Gourmet consists of four items: Bueno Hamburger (Jorges take on the classical burger), Churrasco (a beef sandwich popular in Chile), Fajitas de Pollo (pretty much self-explanatory) and Lomito (basically a pork-avocado-tomato burger). All of them are rather good!
One big plus that a food truck has over a regular brick and mortar establishment is that the operator(s) can keep the prices that much lower, since there is no expensive rent that inevitably would be reflected in the prices. Consequently the most expensive item on Bueno Gourmets menu is 4.80 (that being the Churrasco), everything else is 3.80. Excellent!

Another neat thing is that next to his bus is a sea container converted to a small dining area. So even with crappy weather you can still enjoy your fajitas in comfort.

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