Tuesday 28 October 2014

Chi Asian Food – Takeaway

Solarise keskuses.

Mina: "Paluks kaasa ühed nuudlid veiselihaga"
Tülpinud näoga neiu: "Vjeiseljiha jej jole"
Mina: "Aga ülejäänud asjad menüü peal on olemas?"
Tülpinud näoga neiu: "(Sügav ohe) Vjaata"

Kas ma tellisin midagi muud?
Tellisin ma jee..


In Solaris Shopping Center

Me: "Noodles with beef to go, please"
Peevish looking young lady: "Wje hjave njo bjeef"
Me: "And all the other stuff on the menu you do have?"
Peevish looking young lady: "(Deep sigh) Ljook"

Did I order anything else?
Nope, I ordered f*ck all..