Wednesday 20 February 2013


Boksipeatus (Veerenni 54,Tallinn) on suhteliselt uus nähtus meie suurepärase linna burgerimaastikul.
Kohe Järvevana tee kõrval, mis on vist tähtsaim ida- ja lääne-Tallinnat ühendav arter, on ta asukoht näljaste müügimeeste ja muude rooli taga elavate isendite püüdmiseks ideaalne. Boksipeatuse hoone, ümberehitatud endine Googie-arhitektuuriga bensiinijaam, on õnneks ka ümbritsetud korraliku suurusega parkimisplatsiga.
Aga siis toit. Menüü on suhteliselt tüüpiline teeäärse söögikoha menüü ja burgerid on, nagu arvata võib, kõige populaarsemad palad sellel.
Põhimõtteliselt pakub Boksipeatus kahte sorti burkse: odavamad Juustuburger ja Kanaburger (mõlemad kanapihviga) ja kallimad veise/sea/müsteeriumliha pihviga Grillburger ja Jalapenoburger (Kalaburger on ka, aga see ei loe). Kanapihviga variandid on tavalised, kohe ununeva rämpstoidu esindajad, Grillburger ja Jalapenoburger on need mida tellida, nende kahe ainsaks omavaheliseks erinevuseks on marineeritud jalapenoviilude kohalolek (või puudumine).
Pihv ise on väga õhuke. Õnneks on menüüs ka XL versioonid, ehk siis 1 Euro eest saad muidu identiteetse burksi vahele ekstra pihvi. Me soovitame seda. Pihv on tehase massitoodangu tüüpi, kuid on päris maitsev sellist tüüpi pihvi kohta. Ülejäänud burger on ka päris hea: peekon pole kuivaks lastud, juust on korralikult oranž (nagu peab), salatileht on värske ja kurgiviilud meeldivalt krõmpsakad.
Ja nad panevad ka saia grillile, lihtne asi mis teeb burksi tunduvalt maitsvamaks, kuid mida enamus burksitegijaid Eestis täiesti müstiliselt ei mõista teha.
Proovisime ka friikaid ja mundris kartuleid, kuid mõlemad pole tegelikult mainimist väärt: pehmed, jahused, koheselt ununevad.
Positiivne tähelepanek: Boksipeatuses puudub mikrolaineahi.

Raadios mängis Sky Plus (jälle).

Boksipeatus (Veerenni 54,Tallinn) is a relative newcomer to the burger-scene of our fine city.
Situated just off Järvevana Tee, the main artery connecting east and west Tallinn, its location is excellent to catch the hungry traveling salesmen and other behind the wheel types. Their building, a converted Googie-esque former gas station, is surrounded by a positively huge parking lot as well.
So what about the food? The menu is quite typical for a roadside establishment and burgers, unsurprisingly, are the most popular articles on it.
Basically Boksipeatus offers two types of burgers: the cheaper Cheeseburger and Chickenburger (both made with chicken patty) and the more expensive beef/pork/mystery meat patty based Grillburger and Jalapenoburger (there is also a fishburger but that one doesn't count). The chicken patty versions are your usual representatives of utterly forgettable junk food, the Grillburger and Jalapenoburger are the ones to go for, the only difference separating these two is the presence (or lack of) of pickled jalapeno.
The meat patty is very thin. Luckily XL versions are available, for 1 Euro more you get two patties in otherways identical hamburger. We recommend that. The patty is also of factory mass produced variety, but is actually quite tasty as far as these kind of patties go. The rest of the burger is pretty good as well: juicy bacon, the processed cheese is nice and orange (as it should be), the lettuce is fresh and the pickle crunchy. And they put the bread on the grill as well, a simple thing that makes the burger immediately a lot tastier and something most burger joints in Estonia mysteriously fail to understand.
We also ordered fries and potato wedges put these were nothing to write home about: soft, mushy, instantly forgettable.
Also worth mentioning: they do not have a microwave.

The radio played Sky Plus (again).

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