Wednesday 12 February 2014

R-18 Väike Resto

Väike Resto (Raekoja Plats 18) on suht kummaline, identiteedikriisi all kannatav kohake Tallinna vanalinnas.
Menüüs on kaheksa burgerit, nii et tegemist on purksikohaga?
Samas sisustus, kelnerite olemasolu ja leti puudumine meenutab pigem tüüpilist ülehinnatud turistilõksu, millistest meie Keskaegne Disneyland, ehk siis Tallinna Vanalinn, kubiseb.
Tegelikult oligi kuni eelmise sügiseni tegemist just sellega: tüüpiline vanalinna turistikas kus pakuti kitsejuustu salatit ja muid selliseid peeneid roogasid. Ühel hetkel aga jõudis juhtkonnale kohale et talvel siiski kõikide turistilõksude jaoks turiste ei jätku ning koht moondati talveperioodiks burgerirestoraniks, lootusega ka kohalikke kliente meelitada.
Burgerid on tegelikult täitsa OK, kindlasti hoopis teisel tasemel kui kioskite ja bensujaamade sitaburgerid, aga siiski kaugeltki mitte see tase mis originaalses Vesivärava Grillis oli. Ka ei tea nende kokk mida sõna Meedium tähendab.
Kokkuvõttes siiski täiesti arvestatavad purksid.. kui ei oleks ühte suurt "probleemi" milleks on hind. Nende asukohaga Raekoja Platsis arvestades pole kõrge hind muidugi mingi üllatus, aga siiski ligi topelt maksta sellest mida võiks normaalseks pidada pole need burgerid väärt.

Väike Resto (Raekoja Plats 18) is a rather odd place that seems to suffer from a identity crisis.
The menu consist of 8 different burgers, so its a hamburger joint, yes?
Yet the interior, the presence of waiters and the lack of a counter suggests a run of the mill overpriced tourist trap restaurant, so typical for our Medieval Disneyland called the Old Town.
Actually this place used to be exactly that: a overpriced tourist trap offering poncey dishes like goat cheese salad etc. At one point the management decided that since during the winter season there aren't enough tourist, so why not try their luck with a hamburger menu and hopefully attract some local clients as well.
The burgers are pretty decent, definitely far above the typical crap-burgers available at gas stations but nowhere near the quality of the original Vesivärava Grill. And whoever mans the grill there does not seem to know the meaning of the word Medium.
All in all not a bad burger if it wasn't for one big caveat: the price. Not surprising since they are located in just about the most expensive location the Tallinn. Still, paying almost double of what might be considered "normal" is not worth it.

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